Cleaning Headstones

How to Clean a Headstone

IMPORTANT!!   To Keep the integrity of the stone and to avoid damage, Do NOT Use:

  • wire brushes
  • abrasive chemicals or household cleaners
  • power washers
  • metal scrapers

You Will Need:

  • Water
  • Wooden scraper
  • Soft cloths
  • Non-ionic soap (ex: Ivory or Orvus)
  • Soft, Natural bristled brushes

Steps to Clean a Headstone:

  1. Only marble that is in good condition should be cleaned. Inspect the entire headstone for cracks, wear and signs of damage. If these are present, it may be best to leave it as is. Cleaning weak marble can result in further, irreparable damage.
  2. Soak the stone with water to saturate any growth that may be present.
  3. Use the wooden scraper to remove any algae or moss growth from the surface.
  4. Mix 1 tablespoon of the non-ionic soap with 1 gallon of water.
  5. Use the brushes to apply the soapy mixture to the surface and scrub away any debris.
  6. Keep the stone wet with clean water for the duration of your cleaning.
  7. Once all of the debris is removed, rinse the stone thoroughly with clean water.
  8. Repeat every 18 months. If more frequent cleanings are necessary, use plain water to remove any dirt or residue that may be present.